A propos de nous | Prix acide hyaluronique, cryolipolyse pour maigrir | Clinique Bellefontaine | Dr Favre | Lausanne

About us

The name Bellefontaine was inspired by the historic clinic building, which has a fountain running through the entrance hall. At the Bellefontaine Clinic, we offer you the most modern techniques in the field of medicine and plastic and aesthetic surgery in a centre with the highest standards of safety and quality certified by the FMH and the Vaud State Health Service. They meet the highest safety and quality standards. Located in the centre of Lausanne, the Clinique Bellefontaine, under the medical direction of Dr. med. Yann Favre, offers individual outpatient surgery.

Photographie professionnelle du docteur Yann Favre fondateur de la clinique Bellefontaine | Dr Favre Lausanne

Allow me to introduce myself.
«My name is Yann Favre, I am a Swiss FMH and EBOPRAS specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery and founder of the Clinique Bellefontaine. I was born in 1976 in Lausanne and grew up and studied in Pully. I studied medicine in Lausanne while at the same time completing a degree in Science at the University of Geneva. My interest in cosmetic surgery was awakened at the beginning of my medical studies. I completed my training in Switzerland at the cantonal hospital of Aarau and in Europe at the university hospitals of Brussels and Luxembourg where I worked as a doctor in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. My personal and professional career developed particularly in Zürich, where I worked for 8 years and perfected my techniques in surgery and aesthetic medicine.»

Your Bellefontaine team

Dr Yann Favre specialiste suisse FMH et EBOPRAS en chirurgie plastique reconstructive et esthetique | Dr Favre Lausanne

Dr. Yann Favre

Dr. Yann Favre is a Swiss FMH and EBOPRAS specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. He is the founder of the Bellefontaine Clinic. He is at your disposal to provide you with honest advice and high quality treatments.

Dr Gulkan Ozcan membre du personnel medical de la clinique Bellefontaine | Dr Favre Lausanne

Gülkan Özcan

Gülkan will accompany you on the day of the operation with great empathy and cordiality. With her you are in the best hands – she fulfils all the wishes of our patients. She takes away all nervousness with her warm, affectionate and sensitive manner.

Ines Lauzet estheticienne medicale a la clinique Bellefontaine | Dr Favre Lausanne

Inès Lauzet

In the hands of Ines, you are well cared for and nothing escapes her. Inès is a multi-talented talent with many years of experience as a medical beautician. Inès will welcome you with courtesy and empathy.

Dr Loise Notin estheticienne membre du personnel medical de la clinique Bellefontaine | Dr Favre Lausanne| Dr Favre Lausanne

Loïse Notin

Loïse will welcome you with a smile at the Bellefontaine clinic. She is a rare talent with many years of experience as an esthetician and receptionist.

Dre Miriam Pyka medecin membre du personnel medical de la clinique Bellefontaine | Dr Favre Lausanne

Dre. Miriam Pyka

Dr. Miriam Pyka holds a medical degree from the University of Erlangen in Germany and completed her thesis at the University of Zurich. Dr. Miriam Pyka has a PhD from the University of Erlangen, Germany. Dr. Pyka has been working closely with the Bellefontaine Clinic for several years. She will welcome you with a smile and empathy.

Estefania Responsable de l entretien et de l hygiene a la clinique Bellefontaine | Dr Favre Lausanne


Head of Room Maintenance and Hygiene. She always brings a new shine to the clinic.