Liposuccion Vaser

Clinique Bellefontaine has specialized in liposuction for many years. VASER® is the latest technological innovation in liposuction and body contouring. It removes more fat than conventional liposuction and, in selected patients, allows muscles in the abdomen, pectorals and arms to be highlighted. The Vaser also has a greater effect on skin retraction than conventional liposuction, and in some cases has an effect on cellulite. To maximize skin retraction after liposuction, we also use Renuvion® technology, which can be applied directly after Vaser®. This Vaser®/Renuvion®/Microaire® combination method has now established itself as the gold standard among the world’s leading plastic surgeons specializing in body contouring, and we are the first clinic in French-speaking Switzerland to use this combination.

Clinique Bellefontaine has specialized in liposuction for many years. VASER® is the latest technological innovation in liposuction and body contouring. It removes more fat than conventional liposuction and, in selected patients, allows muscles in the....

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Liposuccion Vaser à Lausanne | Clinique Bellefontaine | Dr Yann Favre
Techniques Aftercare Sport Work Treatment Duration Anaesthesia Risks Costs

We specialize in liposuction using PAL® Power-Assisted Liposuction or Bodyjet® water jet assisted liposuction. We are one of the few centers in Switzerland to be equipped with the EVL® technique for lipofilling.

We specialize in liposuction using PAL® Power-Assisted Liposuction or Bodyjet® water jet assisted liposuction. We are one of the few centers in Switzerland to be equipped with the EVL® technique for lipofilling.

A panthy, also known as a compression girdle, is put in place immediately after the operation. It supports the skin’s adaptation processes and must be worn for three weeks, day and night. Antibiotics must be taken prophylactically for three days. Pain is often cramp-like, appearing a few hours after the operation. They are at their most intense after 3 to 4 days, and generally disappear after 1 week. The first shower can be taken 48 hours after liposuction. It is important to remain in a sitting and lying position for the first 2 weeks

After liposuction, you should refrain from sport for 3 weeks. If lipofilling is performed, it is preferable to give up sport for 8 weeks.

For office work, it is possible to return to work after 3 to 4 days. Activities requiring standing can be carried out 2 weeks after the operation.

The vast majority of liposuction procedures are performed on an outpatient basis. This means that patients can go home the same day, whether under local or general anaesthetic. If necessary, an overnight stay can be arranged in advance.

The duration of the procedure depends on the number of areas to be treated and the amount of fat to be removed. In general, the procedure lasts between 1 and 3 hours.

We offer liposuction under local anesthesia, deep sedation or general anesthesia. Good candidates for liposuction under local anaesthetic are those with a moderate to high threshold of resistance to physical pain. During the consultation, we gather the necessary information to assess your pain tolerance. On average, we operate on one out of every two patients under local anaesthetic, and one out of every two under deep sedation or general anaesthetic.

The “frequent” and partially avoidable risks after liposuction are irregularities and seromas. The risk of irregularities can be minimized by performing standing post-procedure checks, and making corrections directly if necessary. Seroma is the accumulation of fluid in the tissues under the skin. Sitting or lying down for the first 2 weeks after surgery drastically reduces the risk of seroma. Other risks, such as infection or bleeding, are very rare.

From 3’500.- under AL. Please fill in the contact form or give us a call. We attach great importance to a transparent pricing policy. Everything is included in the price, from the consultation to the operation, including post-operative consultations, post-operative medication and panthy. For liposuction of the abdomen, we ask for an ultrasound of the abdomen before the operation. This is usually paid for by the health insurance company. We can give an estimate of the price when we receive photos of the areas to be treated. The final price is only given during a consultation. There are no hidden costs or unpleasant surprises.

What is the difference between Vaser® liposuction and conventional liposuction?

Vaser® liposuction breaks down fat using ultrasound, so that the treated fat becomes more liquid. As a result, fat is even easier to remove after Vaser, and more fat can be removed with this technique than with conventional liposuction. There is also less bleeding with this method than with conventional liposuction. While conventional liposuction may result in around 4% skin retraction, Vaser can achieve up to 8%. If you wish to further tighten the skin after liposuction without performing a skin lift – and thus avoid adding an additional scar – you can add Renuvion® technology at the end of the procedure.

Can the musculature under the fat be made visible?

Yes, in selected patients. This technique is called high-definition liposuction or 4D liposuction. Diet and sport can play their part in the desired reshaping of our bodies, but some fat deposits are not so easily eliminated by sport. Many of my patients are familiar with this problem: even women and men who exercise several times a week and have low body fat levels sometimes fail to see their muscles. The six-pack does exist – but it lies beneath a layer of natural, highly resistant fat cells that cannot be removed by training. If you attend my consultation, you’ll see that we operate on a lot of sports coaches!

Vaser 4D High Definition Liposuction is only possible in patients with at least moderately well-trained muscles – and who have their muscles palpated under the fat deposits prior to the procedure. High-definition VASER liposuction is therefore suitable for patients with good skin quality and a BMI not exceeding 27 kg/m2. The high-definition VASER method enables targeted suctioning to create lasting, aesthetically pleasing muscle contours in areas such as the abdomen, chest or arms.

An example of High Definition liposuction
on a man

An example of High Definition Liposuction
on a woman

General information

Many people have unwanted fat deposits on certain parts of the body, such as the neck, upper arms, upper and lower back, stomach, buttocks, hips, inner and outer thighs and knees. VASER® technology uses ultrasound for more intense liposuction. With ultrasound technology, fat cells detach from their fibrous septa, making the fat more fluid and therefore easier to extract. As a result, more fat can be removed with this technique than with conventional liposuction. The dissolved fat is then removed using a special Microaire PAL suction cannula.

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Treatment procedure
At the Bellefontaine Clinic

Before the procedure

During the initial consultation for your Vaser liposuction, we make sure that Vaser liposuction is a treatment that will meet your expectations. To this end, we clarify questions about your general state of health. We measure body weight, height, fat percentage and thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. If the skin is very loose, other procedures such as Renuvion or, in more extreme cases, arm, tummy or thigh lifts are suggested. At the initial consultation, the areas to be treated will be drawn up in a standing position and checked in front of a mirror. A blood test is required prior to the procedure. When Vaser liposuction of the abdomen is desired, an ultrasound scan to check for hernia is systematically performed. Smoking should ideally be stopped 3 weeks before and 3 weeks after liposuction. Blood-thinning drugs such as NSAIDs should be stopped 10 days before your Vaser liposuction.

During the procedure

For a harmonious, natural result, the problem areas are marked in the standing position. While lying down, the surgical area for your liposuction is disinfected and sterile-coated. A tumescent solution is then passed through very small incisions – only 3 to 4 mm – into the marked areas. It contains analgesics and medication to relieve subsequent bruising. The Vaser cannula is then passed through the deep and superficial layers of fat. During Vaser liposuction, the adipose tissue beneath the skin is liquefied by ultrasound waves, which target only the fat cells. The suction is then performed using micro-cannulas Micraire PAL suction. To ensure optimum results, several checks are carried out in the standing position. This process helps to avoid irregularities. The duration of the operation depends on the amount of fat to be removed and the type of anesthesia. One to four hours is usual. The procedure can generally be performed on an outpatient basis. Between 1 and 4 liters of fat can be removed in a single session. For health reasons, it is not recommended to remove more than 5 liters of fat per session during your Vaser liposuction. The patient can leave Clinique Bellefontaine after a rest phase of 1 to 3 hours.

After the procedure

A Marena ® compression girdle will be fitted immediately after the procedure. It supports the skin’s adaptation processes and must be worn for three weeks, day and night. During the first night after the procedure, liquid from the tumescent solution will emerge from the small incisions. The first shower can be taken 48 hours after liposuction. Antibiotic prophylaxis is required for three to five days. Pain is often cramp-like, appearing a few hours after the procedure. They are at their most intense after 3 to 4 days, and generally disappear after 1 week. One week after liposuction, the treated area is often swollen and indurated. Swelling and induration diminish after 2 to 3 weeks, and definitively after 3 to 6 months. To avoid irregularities and hardening of the treated areas due to soft tissue healing, LPG Endermologie treatment is strongly recommended one week after liposuction. Sensitivity problems are common after this procedure. Sensitivity returns a few weeks to a few months later. A stable weight is an important measure for achieving an optimal final result. Liposuction results can be assessed at the earliest 6 to 8 weeks after the procedure. A definitive result can be observed after about three months.mIf you have any questions, you can always reach us personally by telephone using our emergency number after your Vaser liposuction.

Risks and side effects

Sensitivity disorders are common after this procedure. Sensitivity returns a few weeks to a few months later. Bruising, redness and slight swelling appear regularly after the operation, but resolve over time. Slight bumps and asymmetries are also possible. As we carry out regular checks during the operation, the risk of a bump or asymmetry after surgery is low. Infections and hematomas are very rare after liposuction. Rarely, discoloration of certain areas of the skin is also possible. The risk of thrombosis or embolism is very low when liposuction is performed under local anaesthetic.


Do you have any questions or would you like to make an appointment at Clinique Bellefontaine? You can write to us via our contact form or call us on +41 21 601 33 33. We look forward to hearing from you!

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